Original Articles
Severity of Injuries and Outcome of Patients who Sustained Injuries
during Rahukaalam and Yamagandam
Author : Ramamohan P
There is plenty of literature which discusses the
relationship between the time and relative risk to sustain
injuries. 1-6 According to ancient Indian culture,
forecasting were used for business, economics and
engineering. Similarly, certain types of negative events
was discussed to be time associated was trauma and
accidents. 7 According to Indian Mythology in our solar
system, all planets rule on each allotted day of the week.
Whereas Rahu and Kethu do not have dedicated day for
themselves and instead, they rule for 90 minutes every
day in the form of Rahukaalamand Yamagandam. There is
an increased risk of acute negative events in life during
them. Raahukaalam is the time set aside for Raahu
whereas Yamagandam is the time set aside for Kethu. Any
bad action that happens during this time will bring bad
results to the doer. This study is designed to study the
effect of Rahukaalam and Yamagandam or Kethukaalam
(R-K) on the trauma cases according day and time of
Ethical Issues During end of Life Decision in Neonatal and Paediatric
Intensive Unit in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Author : Sinhal Tushar
Ethics are a set of principles relating to what is
morally right or wrong and provide a standard of conduct
[1]. The ethical decisions are based upon a system of
moral values that serve the best interests of society. The
physicians are both morally and legally accountable to
society and sometimes develop conflict between these
legal, moral, economic, social issues, raising ethical
dilemmas during decision making while treating critically
ill patients. This process becomes still more complicated
in pediatric population who are rarely able to
comprehend a complex medical decision or long term
risks or benefits fully. Knowledge about this may help to
formulate a systematic plan of action whenever such a
situation arises.
To Evaluate the Safety, Feasibility and Benefits of Performing
Primary Caeserean Section without Indwelling Urinary Catheter
Author : Joshi Sulbha
Being female is one of the risk factors for Urinary
Tract Infection as women have shorter urethra, which
cuts down on a distance that bacteria must travel to reach
the bladder (1). Physiological changes in urinary tract
during pregnancy increase the chances of Urinary Tract
Infection during pregnancy (2). Caesarean Section is the
most common major surgical procedure performed in
women(3). One of the most common preoperative
procedure for Caesarean section is placement of
indwelling catheter in urinary bladder
To Study Prevalence of Prediabetes in Medical Staff in Acharya
Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital
Author : Malpani Vipul
Diabetes in its early stage is categorized as Prediabetes1and
is a leading risk factor for diabetes. An
individual is considered to be pre-diabetic if he/she has a
blood glucose level that is above normal but below the
diagnostic threshold for diabetes mellitus. Prevalence of
pre-diabetes is also increasing worldwide. 79 million
people had pre-diabetes in United Sates as per American
Diabetic Association-Jan 26 20112. In india 77.2 million
people had pre-diabetes ,in 2011.3
Role of Oral Physician in Oral Cancer Palliative Care
Author : Mohod Swapnil
Palliative care is a specialized area of health care
that focuses on relieving or preventing sufferings of
patients. The term suffering is holistic one that
adequately addresses all the elements of chronic illness
and pain management.
A world health organization statement describes
palliative care as “an approach that improves the quality
of life of patients and their families facing the problems
associated with life threatening illness, through the
prevention and relief of suffering by means of early
identification and impeccable assessment and treatment
of pain and other problems, physical, psychological and
spiritual.”(1)However, the term “palliative care” may
refer to any care that alleviates symptoms; whether or
not there is hope of a cure by other means in terminally ill
Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Diabetes Mellitus
Author : Khalge Vijay
Diabetes is group of metabolic disorder
characterized by hyperglycaemia resulting from defect in
insulin secretion, insulin action or both.[1] Diabetes
mellitus is one of the most common endocrine diseases,
and its global prevalence for all age groups worldwide was
estimated to be 2.8% in 2000 and is predicted to reach
4.4% in 2030.The total number of people with diabetes is
projected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million by
2030.[2] Diabetes is a serious illness with multiple
complications[3,4] and premature mortality, and it
accounts for at least 10% of the total health care
expenditure in many countries.[5] Patients with diabetes
are at increased risk of infections [6,7] particularly those
originating in the urinary tract.[3] Diabetes can also cause
several changes in the host defence system, including
defects in neutrophil function,[8] increased bacterial
adherence to the uroepithelial cells of diabetic
patients[9] and decreased antibacterial activity as a
result of glycosuria.[10] As a result, diabetic patients tend
to have a higher incidence and prevalence of
bacteriuria[11] and they are at a higher risk for
developing ser ious consequences , such as
emphysematous cystitis, pyelonephritis, renal papillary
necrosis, and abscess.
Co-relative Study of AgNOR Score in Different Grades and Histological Types of Carcinoma of Breast
Author : Naik Dhananjay
Worldwide, breast cancer is the most common form
of cancer in women and second leading cause of cancer
death among women. Every year 75,000 new cases of
breast cancer are diagnosed in Indian women. It is
regarded as the most common cancer in women in many
metropolitan cities, and 2nd most common cancer in rest
of country.1
Nucleolar organiser regions (NORs) are loops of DNA
responsible for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transcription. They
are located in nucleoli of cells and in the chromosomes
13,14,15 and 21,22 in association with protein. As rRNA
moecules are the main sites of protein synthesis, it
follows that the number of NORs in each cell nucleus
reflects cellular activity
Peripheral Retinal Findings in High Myopia in a Tertiary Hospital
Author : Tidake Pravin
The refractive error is one of the common cause of
defective vision and myopia accounts for major
percentage of it. It is defined as that dioptric condition in
which incident parallel rays coming from infinity come to
focus anterior to the light sensitive layer of retina with
accommodation being at rest. It is classified on various
etiological and clinical varieties. Clinical variety
includes- Congenital, Simple/Developmental/
Pathological/Degenerative, Acquired myopia. Its
prevalence has increased over the past decades, leading
to a growing concern among the public and scientific
community. The prevalence of myopia varies in different
parts of the world. Generally speaking, myopia is much
more prevalent in industrialized countries and in cities as
compared to rural areas. The rapid increase in the
prevalence of myopia provides strong evidence that
current environmental factors must have a considerable
influence on the development of myopia that cannot be
explained by a genetic model.
Effectiveness of Traditional Demonstration Technique and 3-D Animated Video: A Comparative Study
Author : Chimurkar Vilas
The use of media to enhance teaching and learning
complements traditional approaches to learning.
Effective instruction builds bridges between students`
knowledge and the learning objectives of the course.
Using media engages students, aids student retention of
knowledge, motivates interest in the subject matter, and
illustrates the relevance of many concepts (1).
Technology mediated learning requires adjustments in
the teaching/learning process for both instructors and
students (2). This study draws on the concepts of system
theory to explain how interdependence, permeable
systems, boundaries, and parallelism can alter the
teacher`s role in fostering a climate that maximizes
technology-mediated learning. Creating an inviting
classroom atmosphere, modifying instructional design
and content, listening to feedback, and evaluating the
course provide the foundation for revising the
teaching/learning process for use with interactive video
network (IVN) (3-6).
Knowledge Regarding Home Management of Diarrheal Diseases among Mothers of Under Five Children
Author : Taksande Archana
Diarrhea is defined as the passage of loose, liquid or
watery stools. These Liquid stools are usually passed more
than three times a day. However, it is the recent change in
consistency and character of stool rather than the number
of stools that is more important. The term “diarrheal
diseases” should be considered only as a convenient
expression not as a epidemiologically entity for a group of
diseases in which the predominant symptom is diarrhea.
The treatment package focuses on two main elements, as
outlined in a 2004 joint statement from UNICEF and WHO:
1) fluid replacement to prevent dehydration 2) zinc
treatment. Important additional components of the
package are continued feeding, including breastfeeding,
during diarrhea episodes and the use of appropriate fluids
available in the home if oral rehydration solution are not
available, along with increased fluids in general
Comparison of Knowledge regarding Selected Obstetric Drugs among the Nurses Working in Obstetric Ward and other Wards
Author : Sakle Pradnya
Childbirth is one of the most meaningful, unique,
and exciting times for the labouring women and her
partner.1 Many people can accompany and greet the
woman from either side, but she has to face it by herself.
Most women describe pregnancy as an exciting time in
their life but the development of an unexpected
complication can suddenly change this description
dramatically. When complications arise during labour,
both risk for maternal as well as fetal morbidity and
mortality increases.2 Childbirth is the culmination of a
human pregnancy or gestational period with the birth of a
baby from woman`s womb. It is an inherently dangerous
and risky activity which may subject the mother and baby
to many complications
Evidence of Chlamydial Infection in Infertile Women with and without Tubal Factor, in Central Rural India
Author : Dewani Deepika
Infertility affects relatively large number of couples
both globally as well in India.According to WHO Infertility
is “a disease of the reproductive system defined by the
failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or
more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.”
The tubal factor is the most frequent (25–35%)cause
of female infertility along with ovarian. Sexually
transmitted infections are generally considered the
leading preventable cause of infertility worldwide,
especially in developing countries
A Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Urinary Tract Infection during Pregnancy among the Antenatal Mothers in Selected ANC OPD at Wardha
Author : Teltumbde Archana
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common
bacterial infections during pregnancy. Asymptomatic
bacteriuria (ASB) is a major risk factor for the
development of urinary tract infections during pregnancy
and with further risk of preterm birth & pyelonephritis if
UTI is a common bacterial infection during
pregnancy and a significant cause of perinatal and
maternal morbidity and mortality. The causative bacteria
have remained virtually the same although with
variations in individual prevalence. There has been an
increasing resistance by these bacteria to the commonly
available antibiotics1
Role of Herbal Antioxidant Therapy on Healing of Traumatic Oral Ulcers and Oxidative Stress : An Animal study
Author : Patel Aditya
Ulcers can be defined as breach in epithelium or
mucosa. Oral mucosal ulcers are sores or open lesion in
the mouth which can be caused by various disorders1. The
estimated point prevalence of oral ulcers worldwide is
4%, with aphthous ulcers being the most common,
affecting as many as 25% of the population worldwide2.
Minor ulcers (less than 1cm) may affect almost 80%
population in some part of their life2. These ulcers can be
caused be caused by wide variety of conditions and
diseases like trauma, infections, vesico-bullous diseases,
neoplasia, nutritional deficiencies, apthous stomatitis,
gastrointestinal diseases etc1. The immune response of
the body towards these ulcers is to close the wound and
prevent infection. Ulcers resulting from traumatic
injuries are probably the most common types of ulcers
encountered in clinical practice
Effects of Psychological Stress and Dietary Arrayon Acne : A CrossSectional Evaluation of Medical Undergraduate Students` Perception
Author : Shanthakumar Swamy Ravindra
Acne is a skin disease that involves the sebaceous (oil) glands at the base of hair follicles. These glands produce sebum, an oily liquid which carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin. Acne grows when these follicles get blocked, resulting in an accumulation of oil under the skin. It commonly occurs during puberty when the sebaceous glands enter active secretory phase while stimulated by male hormones produced by the adrenal glands of both males and females. Acne tends to appear on the face, back, chest, shoulders and neck in human.
Assessment of Nutrition in Patients of Chronic Kidney Disease and its Outcome in a Tertiary Care Rural Hospital
Author : Gajendra Manakshe
Chronic kidney disease(CKD) is a slow, progressive, and irreversible loss of kidney function(1). The total number of cases has markedly increased during the last three decades(2,3), and its prevalence has reached epidemic proportions .Around 10% - 13% of the population of Korea, Taiwan, Iran, Japan, China, Canada, India and the USA being affected(4). As the loss of renal function is slow and progressive, it results in an adaptive process in which the patient remains asymptomatic for long period(5)
Case Series
Breast Tuberculosis : Case Series with Literature Review
Author : Chandak Suresh
Tuberculosis (TB) has traditionally been regarded as a pulmonary disorder. However, nearly 17.9% of TB cases have only extra pulmonary manifestations.1 Breast and skin are considered to be rare sites of extra pulmonary mycobacterial infection, comprising 0.1% to 0.5% of all TB cases, respectively.2 Tuberculous mastitis is an uncommon lesion1 even in countries where the incidence of pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB is still very high.3 The clinician may confuse TB of the breast with either breast carcinoma or abscess.4-6 Although the usual form of the disease is unilateral, it occasionally presents bilaterally
Case Reports
USG, Color Doppler and Elastography in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma : A Case Report
Author : Dhande Rajasbala
Most cancers of the oral cavity are oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), and tobacco, alcohol and betel use the main risk factors for these and many potentially malignant lesions (PML)(1,2). The main high risk groups are older adult males who use tobacco and alcohol. It is expected that early diagnosis of PML can reduce mortality(3,4). Early diagnosis of OSCC can speed proceeding to treatment and can improve the prognosis(5). This requires patients to seek an oral and dental examination at an early stage
Fibrous Dysphasia of the Temporal Bone : Case Presentation and Review of Literature
Author : Samudrala Veda Dhruthy
Fibrous dysplasia is a benign but progressive disorder of the bones with unknown etiology where cellular fibrous and connective tissue replaces the normal bone matrix. 1 Involvement of the temporal is not common in fibrous dysplasia with only few reported cases in literature. 26Inpresent case we report involvement of the temporal bone and discuss the challenges in making a diagnosis and management of this uncommon presentation of fibrous dysplasia.
Hereditary Tertrapolydactyle With Gangrene of Post-Axial Polydactyly of Right Upper Limb : A Rare Case Report
Author : Chandak Suresh
Polydactyly is a common congenital digital variation of the hand and foot, which is characterized by supernumerary digits. This condition can occur in one limb or can be exceptionally present in all four limbs; a condition called tertrapolydactyle. It may appear as isolated or in association with other birth defects. Polydactyly might be pre-axial, post-axial and central type, the post-axial being the commonest one [15]. Surgical intervention in polydactyly are indicated for various reasons.
Total Laparoscopic Management of Colouterine Fistula
Author : Naval Rucha
Though Noecker first reported a colouterine fistula secondary to diverticulitis in 1929, so far 18 cases have been reported in the world literature.[1] Approximately 20% develop diverticulitis as a result of infection and inflammation of the diverticula. The complications of diverticulitis are bleeding, perforation, stricture and fistula formation. Fistula constitutes up to 20% of the complications. The most common type of fistula is a colovesical fistula followed by a colovaginal fistula arising from the sigmoid colon. Uterus is a thick muscular organ and thus protects against invasion of benign or malignant disease. In this case uterus and colon are involved