An Interventional Study of Neurobics and Sanskar Remodelling in
Management of Diabetes
Author : Biswas Dalia
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic
diseases across the world and number of diabetic patients
is on rise. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO, 2006), diabetes mellitus affects at least 171
million people and causes 3.2 million deaths, six deaths
every minute and 8700 deaths everyday. WHO estimates
that in 2030 there will be an increase of 70% in the number
of cases of diabetes in developed countries, and 42% in
developing countries. (1). 2011 National Diabetes
factsheet released on 26th Jan 2011 estimates about 246
million diabetics worldwide in the year 2010 with
prevalence rates of 11.3% among the adults of 20-65 age
A Study on Preoperative Endoscopy Evaluation of the Upper
Gastrointestinal Tract in Planned Cholecystectomy
Author : Singh Somarjit
Cholelithiasis is a common gastrointestinal problem
which a Surgeon usually encountered in the day to day
practice. Cholelithiasis is usually detected by USG for
Upper GI Symptoms or during routine checkups for the
treatment of other diseases . Surgery is the treatment of
choice except in selected high risk patients who are not fit
for the surgery where conservative medical management
is advised.
Neurocognitive Changes After Off-Pump Versus On-Pump Coronary
Artery Bypass Grafting
Author : Bhalerao Nikhil
Surgery for coronary artery disease is known as
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). It was one of the
landmark operations in the history of cardiac surgery that
rescued millions of people affected by coronary artery
disease. Current reasons for performing CABG are the
presence of 3-vessel disease (all the 3 major arteries to
the heart are blocked), left main coronary artery disease
(the main artery itself is critically narrowed), and 3-
vessel disease in diabetics. It is also used for patients with
severely depressed heart function and for patients who
need surgery for heart conditions in addition to coronary
artery disease (such as replacement of valves or
reconstruction of the heart muscle
Relationship Between Perceived Stress and Mental Functions and Psychiatric Morbidity: A Survey in Maharashtra
Author : Tendolkar Vaishali
Today, stress has become part and parcel of
everyone`s life. People encounter stress from multiple
sources, including work; money, health, and relationship
worries; and media overload. With so many sources of
stress, it is difficult to find time to relax and disengage.
This is why stress is one of the biggest health problems
facing people today. Chronic stress increases the risk of
developing health problems including obesity, diabetes,
heart disease, cancer, and a weakened immune system.
Chronic stress also affects a person`s mental health. Many
studies show a correlation between stress and the
development of mood disorders such as anxiety disorders
and depression.
Complications at Arterio-Venous Shunt Among Patients of Chronic Kidney Disease undergoing Hemodialysis
Author : Mahajan Prashant
Cutaneous examination of patients with end stage
renal disease (ESRD) has shown that 50-100% of patients
can developed at least one dermatological disorder; this
may be the result of uremia, hemodialysis or renal
transplantation.1 In present era hemodialysis is the most
frequently used treatment modalities for the
management of patients with chronic kidney disease.
With the advent of hemodialysis, the life expectancy of
chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients has increased giving
time for more and newer cutaneous changes to
Role of Computed Tomographic Urography in Renal Calculi
Author : Nayak Aliva
Urinary stones or calculi are concretions formed
within the renal tract by the crystallization of one or more
substances normally found within the urine. Ureteral
calculi almost always originate in the kidneys, although
they may continue to grow once they lodge in the ureter.
Intravenous Urography has been traditionally used as an
imaging modality of choice to evaluate the urinary tract.
However, it is a very time consuming procedure and in
individuals who are poorly prepared, the imaging findings
are prone to be affected by artifacts such as bowel gas or
fecal contents that might obscure the kidneys and upper
tracts on the images. Another disadvantage is its inability
to identify alternative diagnoses. The Wardha district of
Maharashtra state has water supply from bore-wells.
Thus, a large population of this area is exposed to the high
salt content from the water. Because of the high salt
content, the prevalence of renal calculi in this area is very
high. In our hospital, many cases of renal calculi are
reported every year. To evaluate these patients, we need
an alternative imaging modality which is more precise
than IVU.
Comparative Assessment of Hernioplasty done in Inguinal Hernia
under Local (Field Block) vs Regional Anesthesia at AVBRH,
Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha
Author : Adgudwar Shashank
Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of a viscus or part
of viscus through the weakness of the wall of containing
cavity (abdomen).
Weakness of the abdominal wall is either congenital
or acquired in origin. Hernia can be reducible/
irreducible/obstructed or strangulated. The external
abdominal hernia is the commonest form of spontaneous
hernia, and these are inguinal, femoral and umbilical in
percentages 73 %, 17%, 8.5% respectively. As high as 80 to
90% of the repairs are carried out on male, and the most
frequent type is right indirect inguinal hernia.1 The
inguinal hernia may be indirect if passing through the
deep inguinal ring or direct, resulting from weakness in
the transversalis fascia in the posterior wall of the
inguinal canal. The factors leading to the development of
a hernia can be divided into congenital and acquired.
Inguinal hernia, Hernioplasty, Local anaesthesia, Spinal anaesthesia
Author : Joshi Pranad
Schizophrenia is still one of the most mysterious and
costliest mental disorders in terms of human suffering and
societal expenditure.[1]Earlier the aim of therapy for
patients with schizophrenia used to be focused only on
reducing the psychopathological symptoms, thus leaving
them alone with many everyday life problems including:
social functioning, employment, or lack of ability to cope
with everyday duties.
Serum Vitamin D Levels and it`s Association with Diabetes Mellitus
Author : Goswami Snehil
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease which is
caused by absolute or relative insulin deficiency that can
affect nearly every organ system in the body. It has been
estimated that 380 million individuals would be affected
with diabetes worldwide by the year 2025.In India
alone41million individuals are affected by this deadly
disease and this is likely to go up to 70 million by the year
2025. Vitamin D has long been recognized for its
importance in calcium metabolism and skeletal health.
Over the past decade, vitamin D has been gaining
increased attention for its potential role in several nonskeletal
health conditions including cancer, multiple
sclerosis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Specifically, emerging evidence suggests a potential
association of low vitamin D nutritional status with
increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM),
although the currently available data are inconsistent
Incidence of ENT Trauma in Rural Setup in Sawangi (M), Wardha
Author : Jose Sharon Ann
Trauma is a major problem in both developing and
developed countries. It is the 4thleading cause of death in
all age groups and the leading cause in patients between
01 and 39 years in the USA . Globally road-traffic injuries
(RTIs) cause 25% of all trauma deaths.
Injury to the Ear is not an unknown subject.
Accidental injury at home or on the roads is the
commonest cause followed by assault, bullet injury, frost
bite, burns, animal bites etc (1)
The Nose is the most projecting central aesthetic
structure of the face and nasal bones are small thin
bones.Nasal trauma has been increasing in recent years
due to escalating incidence of vehicle accidents and civil
Role of Advanced MR Imaging in Brain Tumours
Author : Yadaw Sanjay kumar
“The term brain tumors are referred to a mixed
group of neoplasms that originates from the intracranial
tissues and the meninges with degrees of malignancy
varying from benign to aggressive1.” These tumours are
quite ranging from benign to malignant and affecting all
age groups right from the very young to the very old2.
In india the crude incidence of primary brain tumour
is 3.4 per 100,000 populations for males and 1.2 per
100,000 populations for females and accounts for approx
2.1% of all cancers and 2.9% of cancer related death2.